ARCH 302, Spring Travel: Portugal, Rice School of Architecture (STUDIO INSTRUCTOR)
"East El Paso Street to Get Three-Story Dwelling", The Big Bend Sentinel (FEATURED WORK)
Rice Design Alliance Hometown Tour 2019, Los Angeles (GUIDE)
Site Evidence (GUEST CRITIC)
Inside‐Out: A Civic Diptych for Camerino (GUEST CRITIC)
Bayou Edge City Studio (GUEST CRITIC)
"Living in the Desert" (FEATURED WORK)
Premio “Oscar Niemeyer” 2018 (JURY MEMBER)
"Unmaking the Bed, Unmaking New Orleans" (SPEAKER)
"mundaneum 1999-2019: mondo nostrum” (FEATURED WORK)
"Lars Lerup: Parque móvil"(SPEAKER)
"Masonry in sight(s)" (LECTURE)
"Work (s/ing) in Indiana" (LECTURE)
Rice Design Alliance Hometown Tour 2018, Columbus (GUIDE)
Bienal Costa Rica: XIV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura 2018 (JURY MEMBER)
A Public Archive for Venice, Washington University Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts (GUEST CRITIC)
University of Arkansas Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design "Architecture Super Jury" (GUEST CRITIC)
Masonry Design/Build Competition at New Jersey Institute of Technology (JURY MEMBER)
"Los límites de los problemas," Los límites del diseño, Arquine (CONTRIBUTOR)
Arquine No. 83, The Limits of Design (FEATURED WORK)